Thursday, April 29, 2010


1.) Thick Bar Push Press 5x5

2A.) Muscle Ups 3x6
2B.) 2 KB Clean and Jerk 3x12

3A.) Weighted Dips 3 x 8-12
3B.) DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 8-12

4A.) Prowler 5 x 100'
4B.) Burpees 5 x 15


When you train like a Dinosaur, there's always room for pizza

1.) DB Box Clean 20 x 12 inch box
Hold DB's at arms length by your sides, jump and land on box in power position (quarter squat) with DB's cleaned up to your rack position (outside shoulders). Your feet should land on the box simultaneously with catching the weights in your rack.

2.) Trap Bar Deadlift 5x5

3.) Stiff Leg Deadlift 3x8

4A.) Reverse Lunges 3x8-10 each leg

4B.) Reverse Hypers 3x12-15

5.) Sprint 10x50-75 meters

Monday, April 26, 2010


1.) Bench Press 5x5 with chains

Keep rest periods as short as possible while still recovering for next set

2A.) Weighted Dips 3x8-12
2B.) Rope Climb 3x1 (15')

3A.) Push Up Variation 3 x submax
3B.) Pull Up Variation 3 x submax

4.) Sprint 5-10x100 meters 60-90 seconds rest


Here is an old video of kids swinging Indian Clubs, which is coming back today as another rage in the fitness industry. It really helps promote joint integrity and mobility. Check it out...

1.) Squat 5x5
Increase weight anywhere from 1-5% from LS-W1D1, depending on your level

2.) 2 arm DB squat clean + thruster 5x6-8

3.) Ab Roll Outs 3x10-15
use wheel or suspension trainer

4A.) Run 3x400 meter
4B.) KB Swing 3x20

Saturday, April 24, 2010


PMacStrong &
Jason C Brown, Kettlebell Athletics

Kettlebell Workout

Totally ripped off from Jason C. Brown at Kettlebell Athletics, I love the stuff he does with PMacStrong!

2 KB Workout

21 Swings
21 Pull Ups
200 meter run
15 Clean & Press
15 Pull Ups
200 meter run
9 Trusters
9 Pull Ups
200 meter run


1.) Thick Bar Push Press 10x2

2A.) Handstand Press 3 x Max (No Rest)
2B.) Pull Ups 3 x Max (Rest @ 2 minutes)

3A.) Weighted Dips 3 x 8-12
3B.) High pulls 3 x 8-12

4A.) Prowler 5 x 100'
4B.) KB Swing 5 x 15

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Option 1
Option 2The choice is yours. Don't be a wanker.

1.) Box Jumps x20 submax height

2.) Clean & Jerk 6x2

3.) Trap Bar Deadlift 6x2

4A.) Reverse Lunges 3x8-10 each leg

4B.) Reverse Hypers 3x12-15

5.) Sprint 10x50-75 meters

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Questions and comments

sup Matt... just thought I'd let you know what I'm weighing right now. remember when I told you, back in January, I was 343 lbs.... I'm currently 280 lbs and still goin. Thanks to you, you are such an inspiration bro. Keep postin those great videos... peace & blessings
-YouTube subscriber

MATTY, who's more bad ass than you??? NO ONE!
-Zach Even-Esh

Hi matt!

First – I am a huge fan of your work and I am following your blog and youtube channel every day. I start my day and I end my day by looking for updates or just reading older posts and videos….

Thank you for being such big a inspiration source.

To my question: I am born 1977 so I am 32 years at this point. I am about 185-183cm (6ft1-6ft?) and 81kg weight. I am born with really thin wrists, ankles and long joints (or muscle attachments?) etc etc…

I started to train when I one day woke up and realized that this is going straight to hell if I am not taking care of my health. It was 3 years ago.

Past these three years I have trained some martial arts, some conditioning, but I stuck at weight training. I really enjoy it and I always look forward to it. My problem is that I feel that my strength gains is not at all what I would like to have…. And in one month I will have even less time to train because I am opening my own motorcycle shop in Gothenburg. So I figured that if I train three times a week I hopefully could get some kind of results.

My nutrition:

06-07.00 Breakfast: Oat, eggs, and fruits. Sandwiches with some 17% fat cheese, or turkey. (some days I cheat with salami, just love it…) More or less same every morning.

10-11.00 Snacks: Some times, not often but if I have it is some fruits, nuts or a protein drink.

12-14.00 Lunch: Whatever I can find at a restaurant…. I work as a sales on field so I travel a lot.

18-19.00 Dinner: Chicken or beef with pasta or potatoes

20-21.00 Snack: some cottage cheese

My physique is at the moment not so nice….. Belly is too big. I measured 97cm round my stomach a couple of days ago. I have been 93-93cm but never down to 90cm…. So I have some fat around my body and I am born with exceptionally thin shoulders and superlong arms…. Looking a bit like an ape????? ;) without all the hair.

I have my home gym: barbell and about 130kg weight to go with, dumbbells, chin rack, dip station (homemade), bench for pressing. I deadlift about 113-117kg, squat 93-95kg, and bench press 70-75kg an my overhead press is just ridiculous with struggling at 35-40kg on barbell overhead press….. Sucks big time. Chins 8-10 in one set and dips around 12-13 reps.

I would like have the chins to at least 30, my dips 30-40 reps, deadlift 180kg (first goal), squat 130-150kg and bench at least 100kg. Overhead press? As strong as possible.

Due to lack of time on every day being a father, having a full time job (or more) and house I try to make my training at the morning. I eat some carbs 30-45 minutes before workout.

Could you help me with a program that I could follow and what would you suggest? Is there any main changes you fell that I need to do?

It would mean so much to me, really. I am planning on during next winter to perhaps move my home gym to my shop. I believe I have some more space to have the gym at and perhaps I could even start to work with some outdoor sprints, sled dragging, tire flipping etc etc

I hope you find this letter as a big thanks from a guy in Sweden that really is a big fan,

Tacke care! Cheers

Best Regards


Thanks for the support! Incorporating any type of strongman training would be a great addition to your training. Tire flips, heavy sandbag lifts, heavy farmers carries, stone lifts, log lifts, etc. Most of these objects can be easily acquired, yet they are not necessary. What some people fail to acknowledge is the beauty of simplicity. Brooks Kubik, author of "Dinosaur Training", is a Huge advocate of intense, abbreviated training. Meaning heavy singles and doubles of just a few exercises a few times a week. But you must constantly be increasing the weight. One of these simplest ways to add muscle mass to your frame is very simple, yet could quite possibly be the hardest thing you ever do. Squats and milk, thats it. With the addition of just a few supplemental exercises, you can pack on big strength and mass with this simple program. Pick a weight that you can typically squat for 10 reps, then get under it and squat it for 20 reps, taking 3-5 deep breaths between each rep. It will make a new man out of you. Not just any man can handle this. You must be determined and committed to your goal while your body is quivering and begging for mercy. But while your body is experiencing a ton of time under tension, your muscles are being shocked to death and will be forced to grow beyond what was possible in the past. This has been proven effective by many strongmen of the past, and most notably by Randall Strossen in his book, "Super Squats". After your squats you will do a few light rib stretch exercises such as pull overs and add your favorite exercises to complete your program. Finally, add a few more vegetables and berries to your diet and most importantly add a gallon of whole milk everyday. The fruits and vegetables will give you more vitamins and minerals, and the milk will provide you with a ton of protein, carbs and fat to fuel you for massive gains. Give Super squats a try and watch yourself forge a new, stronger, more massive frame. Now go buy some bigger clothes.


Hi. Do you recommend trying lose weight first then tone or what? I still 25 pounds of baby weight to lose. I have already lost 45 with eating right and thr treadmill but I noticed I have no muscle especially where it counts the most, my butt. I am scared to use weights because I still need to lose weight. I trust your advice. Please let me know. I wish you lived in the area I would hire you as my trainer!


The best thing you can do is get off the treadmill like a hamster and start doing full range of motion functional movements, as heavy as you can possibly manage with great form. Full depth squats, deadlifts, presses overhead, pull up variations, push ups, lunges and certainly you should be carrying heavy things up hills all the time. Get a backpack or something, fill it with sand and carry it up the nearest hill as fast as possible, rest and repeat. That is how you "tone", not by doing hours of mindless cardio machines. All that does is eat up your muscle along with the fat and keep you further away from your goal. Every time runners come to me, or any other cardio freak, they have tons of postural, strength and flexibility issues. Stop doing it now and start strength training with every ounce of energy you have. Incorporate intense conditioning routines at the end or on separate days from your weight training. I recommend every other day. You will obviously start light and easy if you have little or no experience, and I recommend getting quality coaching to emphasize technique. But you must focus on getting stronger if you want tighter muscles, trust me, you won't bulk up.


Hope new questions and comments keep on coming. Sorry if you asked and I didn't get back to you yet. Keep training hard, people.

Monday, April 19, 2010


know when to say when, buddy
1.) Bench Press 10x2

Keep rest periods short, 45-60 seconds

2.) 1 Arm Snatch 4-6x4-6, choose your weapon

4 rounds straight thru

3A.)KB Swing x 30 seconds
15 seconds rest
3B.) Burpees x 30 seconds
15 seconds rest
3C.) Prowler x 30 seconds
15 seconds rest

Typically I would program the snatches first, being a power movement, and the strength movement second (bench press). But in this cycle I am prioritizing strength so i am doing the bench first, but you can feel free to change the order depending on your goals and priorities.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Lift and eat. Period. One of my favorite breakfasts is a bunch of eggs, salsa, and sweet potato, cooked in a little evoo.

1.) Squat 10x2

Rest 60 seconds between sets. Go up a little weight from last weeks 3's.

2A.) Ring Dips 4 x SubMax, rest 30-45 seconds
2B.) Row 4 x 250 m, rest 60-90 seconds

3A.) Pull Ups 5 x SubMax, rest 30-45 seconds
3B.) Sprint 5 x 100 m, rest 60-90 seconds

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Saturday is COMPLEX DAY!!!


Muscle Snatch x 5
Overhead Squat x 5
Push Press Behind Neck x 5
Good Morning x 5
Squat x 5
Bent Over Row x 5
Stiff Leg Dead Lift x 5

5 sets increasing weight as you go. 2-3 minute rest between sets. How heavy can you go without putting bar down. I want numbers, people. What can you fools do?

Friday, April 16, 2010


After fasting yesterday, I think I lost my mind when deciding what to have for dinner tonight.
In retrospect, this decision was so much more awesome than I anticipated it to be.
I decided to not take pictures of dessert because that would have just been gluttonous.

1.) Thick Bar Push Press 8 x 3

2A.) Body weight Bench Press 3 x Max (No Rest)
2B.) Pull Ups 3 x Max (Rest 3-4 minutes)

3A.) DB Hang Cleans 3 x 8
3B.) Ring Dips 3 x max

4A.) Prowler 5 x 100'
4B.) KB Swing 5 x 15

If these workouts don't look much like fat loss sessions, then maybe you aren't pushing the pace fast enough. Also, building muscle is the best way to combat fat as far as I'm concerned.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


1.) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Hang Snatch 6x1

2.) Trap Bar Deadlift 5x3

3.) Stiff Legged Deadlift 3x10

4A.) Box Jumps 5x5 submax height

4B.) Handstand Press on paralettes or DB's 5x5

5A.) Sprint 5x75

5B.) Ball Slams 5x15

Monday, April 12, 2010


Master Mahler on the Snatch
1.) Bench Press 8x3

Keep rest periods short, no longer than 60 seconds

2.) KB Snatch 45 seconds work/15 seconds rest x 8

4 rounds straight thru

3A.)KB Swing x 30 seconds
15 seconds rest
3B.) Burpees x 30 seconds
15 seconds rest
3C.) Prowler x 30 seconds
15 seconds rest

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Jocelyn is one bad mama who trains at Catalyst Athletics

True strength icons
1.) Squat 8x3

Rest 75 seconds between sets. Try to go up a little weight from last weeks 4's, but not drastically, maybe 5% or so.

2A.) Row 3 x 300 m
2B.) Push Ups 3 x Max

3A.) Sprint 3 x 200 m
3B.) Pull Ups 3 x Max

Perform push ups immediately after row, rest 2 minutes after pushups. Record time and pushups performed. You can do ring push ups, add chains or any other variation you want. Do the same for the run/ pull up sets.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Dumbbell Bear Complex

Begin every set at the start of every minute. Your goal is to complete 5 reps of each movement then proceed to next movement. The quicker you finish each set, the more rest you have. Do 20 minutes, which would be 20 sets.

Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press

Complete 3 reps each if you're a beginner, then progress to 4 and eventually 5. Try using a weight that equals half your body weight. If you weigh 200 lbs, use 2x50lb DB's.

Hit the sleds after the workout

Friday, April 9, 2010


1.) Thick Bar Push Press 6x4

2A.) Explosive Chest Slap Push up 3x10
2B.) Ring Dips 3x7
2C.) Incline DB Flies 3x8-10

3A.) Power Shrugs 3x12-15
3B.) Chinups 3 x submax

4A.) Prowler 3x100'
4B.) KB Swing 3x15
4C.) Prowler 3x100'
4D.) Burpees 3x15

Thursday, April 8, 2010


1.) Power Snatch 10x2

Go up 5-10 lbs from last week

2.) Trap Bar Deadlift 5x4

Rest/Pause, (deload after every rep)

3.) DB Stiff Legged Deadlift 3x8

4A.) Box Jumps 5x5 submax height

Jump as high as possible in an attempt to come down onto the box

4B.) Handstand Walk 5x20 meters

5 Rounds 30 seconds on/30 seconds off

5A.) Sprint (not run, not jog, but sprint)
5B.) Battling Ropes

Monday, April 5, 2010


1.)Bench Press 6x4

2.) KB Snatch Test AMRAP X 5 minutes

Beat last week's numbers
Max rounds in 15 minutes

3A.) Double KB Swings x 12
3B.) GHB Situp x 12
3C.) 20# Ball Slams x 12

Sunday, April 4, 2010


1.) Squat 6x4

Rest 105 seconds after each set, 5 minutes after last set. Begin first working set with the heaviest set of 5 from last week and work from there. Don't go up more than 10% from last week.

5 rounds, Rest 1 minute between rounds

Row 250 meters
Push ups x 20
Run 400 meters
Pull ups x 20

I know, same as last week, but a few more pull ups and a programmed rest. Get it done, faster. Hoped you timed it last week. Time it here and now and work hard, but make every rep count. If you have a lap timer, use it to time your laps and your rest period. You can be as precise as possible, or just get through it. If you're a competitor, then you should time it.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Barbell Complex

5 sets, complete 5 reps each exercise before moving to next exercise. Start light, go heavier every set. If one or two movements are very difficult for you, and the weight would be severely limited by said exercise, then practice it exclusively before the complex, and eliminate it from the complex. Do not execute a new skill in a high rep set. Simply practice the exercise with little or no fatigue, then when you acquire proficiency you can include them in your complexes. The first three movements are performed with a snatch (wide) grip, then before the fourth movement adjust quickly to a clean (shoulder width) grip with the weight at the hip.

Muscle snatch
Overhead Squat
Push Press Behind Neck
Bent Over Row
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Good Morning
Back Squat
Dead Lift


1.) Thick Bar Push Press 5x5

2A.) Explosive Chest Slap Push up 3x10
2B.) Ring Dips 3x7
2C.) Incline DB Flies 3x8-10

3A.) Power Shrugs 3x12-15
3B.) Chinups 3 x submax

4A.) Prowler 3x100'
4B.) KB Swing 3x15
4C.) Prowler 3x100'
4D.) Burpees 3x15

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Breakfast: 5 free range eggs topped with salsa, 1/2 avocado, 1/2 cup steel cut oats with lots of cinnamon and a little honey, blueberry-acai tea
1.) Power Snatch 10x2

2.) Trap Bar Deadlift 4x4

3.) Tabata Circuit
A.) Box Jump 24"
B.) Handstand (against wall if necessary)
C.) Jumping Lunges
D.) Battling Ropes

Perform 20 seconds of work with precisely 10 seconds of rest for 8 sets, then proceed to next exercise. Handstands are for stability and balance while stressed. Should be fun after box jumps. Have fun keeping your heart in your chest.